Home grown guides share local tales.
For a decade (we were pre-iPhone),
our multimedia guides made
iTour fans of
millions of visitors to the Sea Island Lowcountry
of Charleston, SC, Savannah, GA,
and beautiful Beaufort, SC.
CityTrex produces award-winning iTours (multimedia tours to download or stream),
of our best local authors, artists, and guides,
for you to enjoy on your iPhone, iPad, iPod, or Android device.

New products & updates are coming online for South Carolina and Georgia, USA:
- iTourCharleston (Tales of the Holy City, told in their unique local voices)
- iTourSavannah (Let us be your handheld tour guide, we’ll take the “Best Walk in America” in the Hostess City)
- iTourBeaufort (Fort Fremont, Hunting Island, Penn Center)
- iTourParrisIsland (United States Marine Corps boot camp, as told by Drill Instructors and Marine Wives)
- iTourPortRoyal (Santa Elena, Emancipation of the enslaved, Reconstruction after the War Between the States)
- the bona fide voice of Radio Free Daufuskie (Roger Pinckney)
- ghost stories, short stories, and more…
Get set as we launch our 2.0 platform.
Get access to goodies such as:
insider tours, home cooking,
access to conversations with our
Sea Island Lowcountry
authors, artists, and guides.
Local voices. Local info.
This “CityTrex 2.0” relaunch offers
more digital media channels
of authentic Southern Lowcountry voices.
Our notion is to use free content (blog posts, podcasts)
to drive ecommerce to benefit the locals
that share their love for our island home.
You’ll feel a sense of a place
– that barely exists anymore.
Annual Visitors to our Sea Island Lowcountry
Tourist dollars per year
iTour Fans
New iTours to Stream
Topics and ideas we’re working on include:
Snowball the white dolphin,
voices of Marines,
shrimping, mule wagons,
and of course: food!
Ring me on 843-321-9848 to share an idea or just say hey,
or there’s this contact form.
An iTour from CityTrex is the ideal self-paced guide.
Our users aren’t always even in the USA!
Our fans just love to enjoy local tales, well-told in their Southern accent.
Find out about our Colonial history. Dip into Southern culture.
Get with the South’s best storytellers.
Perhaps you’ll start to get it about us.
When you visit you’ll know what you want to see and who you want to meet.
We’re an award-winning leader in the travel & tourism industry.
Since 2007, CityTrex has served as an ecommerce media platform
for local authors, artists, and guides.

Timeless local stories.
Current local guides.

You will love the iTours we sell.
Click here and get on the mailing list.
Get access to goodies such as: insider tours,
home cooking, access to conversations
with our Sea Island Lowcountry
authors, artists, and guides.
Here's a list you'll be glad to be on:
People at work are amazed how I got so many great stories while on vacation!
These are the stories we share with our own friends and family.
We use free content to help sell our iTours. This way we showcase our production values and we promote things we love.
Here’s a favorite podcast for you to sample:
A remote Sea Island Lowcountry childhood is the source of rich storytelling skills and the material to draw from.
In this CityTrex podcast episode, we meet Doctor Jonas Gadson.
It’s fitting that this podcast was published just before Mother’s Day, because, as you’ll hear, “Everything I am today I owe it to God and I owe it to my marvelous Mother.”
Here’s an intro to the CityTrex concept, produced a quite while back for a pitch to investors.
It’s fun, it’s informative, plus it’s a collectors item because we had to use the voice of a founder of CityTrex — a true rarity. We got a cool bit o’cash ($ cha-ching!) from that pitch, so technically, this is quite valuable!
The speaker here is not a go-to voice talent, but he is an authentic Lowcountry original.
Coming Soon:
a full gallery of authors, artists, and guides,
streaming their tours, taking you to cultural diversions and side trips
that share our sense of place.
Best enjoyed on the Sea Islands, or Push Play and we’ll take you there.
Educational. Informative.
Repeatable stories that are a real piece of work!
Smart Tours :: Cool Places