(843) 321-9848 email@citytrex.com

Conceived, created, produced, and published in Beaufort, SC
with 100% local talent: writers, storytellers, photographers, singers, and musicians.

iTourBeaufort will launch very soon.

Downloads and streaming media will be available via custom ecommerce websites –

we provide virtual stores for the websites of our partners.


Authentic local voices sharing stories about a place that barely exists anymore.

The CityTrex concept found world-wide users for our iTours of Savannah, GA and Charleston, SC from 2008 to 2012.


CityTrex is rebuilding with the showcase of a niche microsite within a power domain.
If that sounds clever, good, come aboard, a nice ride is in the forecast.

We retired our original iPod-based tours and thanked Steve Jobs for the iPhone and iPad, and are relaunching a proven ecommerce store and a push-button media publishing platform, using TourBeaufort.com as the go-to example.

Let’s just stick together; if you tell your story and share your guide to the Sea Island Lowcountry, and I do my job, then we’ll all get more of what we want.

My #1 wish is to be heard and understood.
How about you? You in?

Then Contact Us. You can talk to me.


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